Barcamp Open Science:
Connect, Unlock, Together!

When: 5 September 2024
Where: Potsdam, Germany

Registration closed.

In cooperation with:

The Barcamp Open Science is a barcamp dedicated to the Open Science movement. It is open to everybody interested in connecting with like-minded people embracing Open Science, unlocking new perspectives and networking on Open Science, and thriving Open Science together!

We invite researchers and practitioners from various backgrounds, experts and novices, those who investigate Open Science, and those who want to practice it. The barcamp’s open format allows lively discussions, learning about and sharing experiences on practices in Open Science, and much time networking with the community. Specific knowledge on Open Science is not needed, participants are invited to bring in their topics.

This time we will meet up in Potsdam, in the actual and a virtual one. As usual, everybody is welcome, but only as much as places are available. On site, physicality still imposes limits. Online, on the other hand, we can be much more generous. After registered you are able to submit session proposals, however there will be time to do this during the barcamp. Online participation includes:

  • You can follow the opening, ignition talk and session plannings.
  • There are hybrid session rooms on site where online participation in a session is possible. However, a session moderator on site can decide to offer a session as hybrid.
  • You can propose sessions within the session plannings and also moderate a session online in a hybrid room.
  • A breakout room can be used for spontanous online meetings.

If we don’t see each other in Potsdam, perhaps at the Open Science Festival in Mainz? It’s also worth taking a look at the (original) Open Science Festival with Barcamp in the Netherlands.

The limits of openness?

The year is 2024 and the idea of Open Science feels almost established, i.e. old enough the enter the canon of the „history of ideas“ and its first iteration of historiography. Which is also true for the Barcamp Open Science which is now and impessively ten years old, already.

After lingering around for a couple of years within the context of the formerly much more famous and embracing concept of Open Access, Open Science was finally pushed to a higher level of formal recognition in 2015, when it became an official designator used by the European Commission.

Since then „Open Science“ gained popularity in various ways. Beside labeling a particular science policy approach, it spun off as a somewhat natural evolution of Open Access extending past the question of access to research results and publications and gaining traction as an ideal, all-embracing mode of scientific and scholarly practice.

On this trajectory of use, the „open“ seemingly became less and less defined. In 2024 it is more difficult than ever to recognize the actual limits of the idea and the concept. Hence, the history of open science could be written as a story of radicalization by associative expansion of interpretation.

On the other hand it is not as new, as the 2003 Berlin Declaration already stated a maximum of openness at least in dissemination: „We define open access as a comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage that has been approved by the scientific community.“

The only restriction was meant to be the recognition by a scientific community, which in a way assumed the role of quality assurance and safeguarding reliability. In this it not longer excluded lay research, also termed citizen science, which is now being fostered and facilitated more than ever under the label of public engagement.

Open Science means by default participatory science. But how participatory is it really? How can the scientific community fulfill and mediate its role as the final authority in this environment?

These days, a proliferation of research or „research“ outside verified scientific and scholarly standards and communities is omnipresent as well. Just open YouTube. It dilutes what is perceived as scientific or scholarly and sometimes has far-reaching side effects. Just look at what happens within the Covid-discourse.

It is obvious that open science cannot and should not be random and arbitrary research. Effectively combining methodological rigor with openness and different forms of participation might be the core challenge of the present.

The Barcamp Open Science 2024 would like to address this layer specifically without, of course, losing sight of all the other topics and aspects of Open Science.

Ignition Talk

Heidi Seibold

Between Rigor and Equity – the „Open“ in Open Science

Open Science is a means to an end. For some people, Open Science is a quest for rigor and research quality. For others, Open Science is all about equity and access. In this talk, I want to bring the two viewpoints together and show how openness can help with both, even if rigor and equity are sometimes at odds with each other. And so I will end with a pragmatic Open Science perspective that works for everyday research practice, improves research quality and increases equity: Be as open as possible and as closed as necessary, make each project better than the last, and don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.



  • 09:30 – 10:00 Registration and Coffee
  • 10:00 – 10:15 Welcome & Introduction
  • 10:15 – 10:30 Ignition Talk: „Between Rigor and Equity – the ‚Open‘ in Open Science“ (Heidi Seibold)
  • 10:30 – 11:15 Session Planning
  • 11:15 – 11:30 Short Break
  • 11:30 – 12:15 Sessions I
  • 12:15 – 12:30 Short Break
  • 12:30 – 13:15 Sessions II
  • 13:15 – 14:15 Lunch
  • 14:15 – 14:45 Session-Pitches I and II // Session Planning Update
  • 14:45 – 15:30 Sessions III
  • 15:30 – 15:45 Short Break
  • 15:45 – 16:30 Sessions IV
  • 16:30 – 16:40 Short Break
  • 16:40 – 17:00 Session-Pitches III and IV // Wrap-up

From 19:00 Get-together at Alex (Platz der Einheit 14, 14467 Potsdam).

Orga team

The Barcamp Open Science is organised by members of the Leibniz Strategy Forum Open Science and further volunteers. In 2024, we are cooperating with Open Access Brandenburg.

  • Philipp Falkenburg (Open Access Brandenburg)
  • Konrad Förstner (ZB MED / Open Science Radio)
  • Tamara Heck (DIPF)
  • Lambert Heller (TIB)
  • Ben Kaden (Open Access Brandenburg)
  • Vanessa Scharf (ZB MED)
  • Guido Scherp (ZBW)
  • Christopher Schwarzkopf (Wikimedia Deutschland)


Friendly Space Policy

We are dedicated to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, physical appearance, age, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, national origin, or religion — and not limited to these aspects. Please contribute to the friendliness of our virtual space.

How to contribute:

  • Always be always respectful, honest, accommodating, and appreciative of others. Be open to learning from others.
  • Respect the private sphere of other people. Never share others’ private information without their consent. Accept if other people don’t want to answer personal questions.
  • Show appreciation for the ideas and standpoint of other people. Embrace the diversity of perspectives and people. Include as many people as possible in group interaction by being respectful and inviting.
  • Participate authentically and actively: We trust in your openness and teamwork. We believe in the power of collaboration and co-creation.
  • Be optimistic and active: We believe in your ability to transform things to the better. Believe in yourself and your ideas and build on the competencies of other participants. Be open to learn from your mistakes.
  • Lead by example: Treat fellow participants in a way you want to be treated. Contribute to a positive group spirit.


We do not tolerate…

Any form of harassment of event participants. This includes abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning language and behaviour. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event venue or talks. Any participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event at the discretion of the event organisers. Please do not encourage other participants to violate our shared values.